
We must treat all residents, whether they have a home or not, with dignity and service. Amir will work with Fulton County, the police department, social service organizations, and Atlanta Public Schools to address homelessness and aggressive panhandling in the District. Our quality of life depends on improving the quality of life of those who are less fortunate; being firm where laws are broken but compassionate where help and support can transform a life.

As our next City Councilmember, Amir will:

  • Advocate for a smooth transition to other facilities for those served by the shelter at Peachtree and Pine streets;
  • Explore the possibility of "Housing First" development with free housing for chronically homeless individuals with the added element of, once stable, reconnecting these individuals to family and assisting with drug dependency, job training, and mental health challenges;
  • Call for humane but firm enforcement of public urination, drug trade, and public indecency violations;
  • Work with Fulton County and social service organizations to get mental health assistance to those in need; and
  • Support pre-arrest and pre-trial intervention programs that can reduce homelessness.